Hue Adjustments The Hue and Hue Amount sliders adjust the color of the shadows, midtones, and highlights.Lift, Gamma, Gain Sliders These sliders adjust the image by adding or removing brightness to the Shadows, Midtones and Highlights respectively.Īdjustments happen before the Hue slider adjustment (below) - so you can use these sliders to control how much of the image is in the upper highlight area before applying the color cast to it.Highlights - adjustments affect pure black 0%, mid grey 50%, and pure white 100%.
#Media composer plugin for mac mac osx#
Midtones - adjustments affect pure black 0%, mid grey 100%, and pure white 0% 2D Text Preset Pack for Animation Composer Plug-in - After Effects Presets (Videohive)Plugin Mac OSX (64-bit) After Effects CS5/CS6/CC, Windows (64-bit) After Effects CS5/CS6/CC 502.7 Mb. Qualified Apple Mac Systems for Media Composer 8.8.X Skip to Laptops System GPU Earliest MC Version Supported DNxIQ DNxIO Nitris DX Mojo DX Nexis Notes Mac Desktops iMac Retina 5K 27' 4.2 Ghz i7 Quad core MC 8.Shadows - adjustments will affect pure black 100%, mid grey at 50%, and pure white at 0%.Shadows, Midtones and Highlights of the image. The Lift, Gamma and Gain sliders and Hue Adjustment sliders operate by affecting the.